Disable FLoC

Plugin Description

Disable Google’s next-gen tracking technology

Have you ever heard of “Federated Learning of Cohorts” – or FLoC? It is Google’s next-generation technique for tracking users across the web. They say it’s anonymous and safe. We know better. This plugin sets a header to disable the FLoC tracking.


  • Download the latest release of the plugin from GitHub.
  • Upload the entire zip file using the Plugins upload function in your ClassicPress admin panel.
  • Activate the plugin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I translate this plugin?

Yes, the .pot file is in the plugins languages folder and can also be downloaded from the plugin page on https://development.azurecurve.co.uk; if you do translate this plugin, please sent the .po and .mo files to [email protected] for inclusion in the next version (full credit will be given).

Is this plugin compatible with both WordPress and ClassicPress?

This plugin is developed for ClassicPress, but will likely work on WordPress.


Version 1.1.1

  • Update readme file for compatibility with ClassicPress Directory.

Other Notes

azurecurve was one of the first plugin developers to start developing for ClassicPress; all plugins are available from azurecurve Development and are integrated with the Update Manager plugin for fully integrated, no hassle, updates.

The other plugins available from azurecurve are: